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Ilkley Moornotes is a community choir based in Ilkley, West Yorkshire. We sing primarily for our own pleasure, though also love our increasing number of public performances.

Moornotes Choir Picture

In September 2017, we were delighted to welcome our new Musical Director, Kate Stevens, who has an extensive and varied singing background both as a performer and teacher.

Find us on Facebook and see us on YouTube and flickr.


We meet on Mondays, 7.15-9.15pm, school term-times in Ilkley.

Enquiries from potential new members are always welcome although we are currently at capacity and running a sizeable waiting list so if you want to start singing soon, you may like to contact some of the other wonderful, local choirs.

No formal auditions or ability to read music are required, though members should be able to hold a tune. Balancing the numbers in each voice part and other practical constraints do, however, limit the size of the choir.

If you would like to join our waiting list, please contact

For all other enquiries please email